Oleksandr Danylyuk: Ukraine is no longer the Soviet Union

In the interview for TRUMAN Report Minister of Finance of Ukraine Oleksandr Danylyuk noted that it is now quite difficult  for his agency to work in the conditions between the requirements of the IMF and the domestic agenda that is oriented towards the elections.

"However, it is important to have a global perspective, to understand where the world moves. There are such feelings in Ukraine as the Foundation is forcing everyone to do something: they give us loans to drive into a yoke. If you look globally, the role of the IMF is to make the world develop evenly, without imbalances. Because this leads to wars and conflicts, " the minister said.

In the end, it's unfair. Taking advantage of the fact that Ukraine is still a closed country, we are told the fables about the "enemy" - the IMF, the capitalists, the conspiracy ... But Ukraine is no longer a Soviet Union. We are fully integrated into the international economy, so we must understand the trends and be competitive ," - said Oleksandr Danylyuk.
